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Gadgets page

This page shows theme-specific content. Here, we have inserted gadgets that use different theme-specific styles. Throughout the page, we have placed multi-column layouts into which the gadgets have been inserted. Using layouts, you can create complex and interesting page designs.

our gadgets

- Featured member gadget
- Recent blog posts gadget
- Forum updates gadget
- Upcoming events gadget
- Subscription gadget
- Slideshow gadget
- Donation goal gadget

and many more....

Content gadget

Within this content gadget, we have formatted text using text styles. This text, for example, uses the Quoted style.

The colors used for the foreground and background of the title area and the content area can be controlled by selecting a gadget style. The link below appears as a button. You can choose from a number of button styles when creating the link.


Using this gadget, you can highlight your sponsors or partners, display your board of directors, or shine the spotlight on your volunteers or latest new members. The featured member gadget displays information about a particular member or a specified number of members, drawn randomly from a saved search or from selected membership levels.
Within its settings, you can specify a gadget title, choose the layout and style of the gadget, and select up to 3 fields to display for each member.

Featured member

Even more gadgets

The gadget on the right is an upcoming events gadget. On the left is a featured member gadget. You can change their appearance using the gadget settings. All three gadgets have been inserted into a three-column layout.

The link below can lead to another page on this or any other site. You can change the link style from the content editor.

Learn more

Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events

Site search gadget

Using the site search gadget, visitors to your site can perform site-wide text searches. The searches can encompass site pages – including restricted and hidden pages (subject to your settings) – as well as blogs, forums, events, and member profiles.


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