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what is ThE showcase theme about?

The Showcase theme set was designed with portfolio-oriented associations in mind. The theme can be used by any type of organization, though. Associations that publicize one service or a particular item of interest will find this theme most useful. The theme design involves the use of big photos and picture-links, and large headings to divide page into sections. A large number of buttons and links styles allows you to build your own sections and easily navigate between them.

SHOWCASE image links effect

When you hover over an image, it displays a tooltip and applies a surface color with an opaque background.

Stage one

Step 1

Place your image in a content gadget. Do not forget to position it correctly using margins and padding.

Step 2

Add a link to the picture. Do not forget to add a tooltip if you want this text to show on your image.

Step 3

Just look at the examples above if you have trouble placing your image.

Stage two

Step 1

While editing the gadget click the HTML icon in the content editor toolbar to switch to gadget HTML edit mode.

Step 2

In your gadget's HTML code - find tag <a>...</a> used to display your image.

Step 3

Add class="animatedPicture" to your 

<a> tag so it will look like: <a class="animatedPicture"...>

Step 4

Click save and exit edit mode

Stage three

Step 1

You will need this only if you want to change the hover color.

Step 2

By default, hover color is red. To change it, go to our CSS customization page and paste this code into the custom CSS section: 

body :not(pageModeEdit) a.animatedPicture:before{background-color: #ed3529;}

Step 3

Replace #ed3529 with desired color in hexadecimal format.


Customize this theme using: selection of templates, easy to colorize placeholders, gadget settings, and setting on the Colors and Styles screen.

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Check out this theme's Colors and Styles screen for more colorization options.

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You can control the appearance of a gadget using its settings.

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Theme menu style

A special menu was designed for this theme. Sliding navigation and clear design will make it easy for your users to navigate your site. It also provides clear bullet point-style menu items that will highlight all of your important topics. This menu has its limitations –  the names of menu items must be short and informative, and the site structure should be plain – one level preferred. 

 As usual, we also provide you with our classic menu style if you want to combine both, complex multi-level site structure and the Showcase design.

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